Since 1976, Georgia law has directed that all landlords in residential lease agreements must maintain their properties in a safe and code-compliant manner. Underpinning the law is the stated public policy of the Georgia Assembly that landlords should bear the financial burden of maintaining their properties and liability for failure to maintain their properties. Currently, the Court of Appeals has reversed the law and found that surreptitiously embedded terms in lease agreements, the “fine print”, can override Georgia law and public policy by creating a loophole where landlords wholly evade their responsibilities. The last bastion of hope for upholding Georgia law and preventing landlords from being granted permission to provide slum housing is the Georgia Supreme Court where an emergency request for review of the Court of Appeal decision is pending. With over 1,380,613 renters of all ages, economic backgrounds, and family status in the State of Georgia, it is imperative that this issue be addressed to prevent landlords from harming not only the renters directly, but also Georgians in general by passing on the monetary and social damage to taxpayer-funded local, county, and municipal governments as opposed to the rightfully culpable parties, the landlords and their private insurers and investors. Make no mistake, every resident of Georgia will feel the effects of this decision if it is not corrected.
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