If you’re visiting the Mold Firm Litigation Page, then you are probably confused and frustrated. Confused by the vast amount of misinformation on the internet concerning the health effects of mold and the prescribed methods for eliminating it, and frustrated that no one believes or understands the extent to which this silent and unseen microbe has negatively impacted your health and social life.The thought of mold colonies infesting your home and releasing thousands of microscopic spores that contaminate your furniture, your clothes, and the air that you breathe can be very frightening, leading to stress, anxiety, sleepless nights, and other adverse health effects.
Far from offering us sanctuary, a mold-infested home can become like a prison and relocating can be very costly. Furthermore, licensed and competent remediation companies can be difficult to find and very expensive, and there is no guarantee that the remediation process will completely eliminate your mold problem.
Meanwhile, many insurance companies exclude coverage for mold-related injuries, and negligent landlords, manufacturers, and real estate brokers will often refuse to acknowledge the existence of the mold, much less offer to compensate you. To complicate matters further, most lawyers avoid mold litigation, making it difficult to find a law firm with the knowledge to successfully handle your case. At the Mold Firm, we focus heavily on mold litigation, enabling us to develop an effective and detailed approach for representing our clients’ mold claims that includes working with some of the best mold experts available. Most importantly, though, we have witnessed the devastating effects of mold infestations, and we are ready to listen to you.
To contact one of our attorneys about your legal issue, please call us at (404) 341-6653 or send us a message using the contact form provided on this website.
They are the best toxic mold firm in Atlanta. They were professional, responsive, and got me a big settlement!